Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wow where has the time gone....looks like I am the biggest Loser, cuz I didn't even get close to losing 20lbs this a matter of fact I do believe I haven't gained nor loss, could be better or could be worse. I really need to start trying harder though, maybe when we get taxes back I will buy myself an elliptical so I can't have the excuse that there is no time to go to the gym lol. Not too mention being strapped for money and bills piling up it's hard to focus on losing weight. We are also planning a wedding that should be happening on May 16th! I just have so much going on, and I am a really bad emotional eater, so it has been a challenge to avoid eating things just out of boredom, or due to stress.

1 comment:

Ali said...

You just got to find the will power. Maybe think of instead of getting an elliptical buying some personal training. Then you have set times you have to go to the gym and someone to help you out and help motivate you. So exciting about the wedding! Congrats!
