Tuesday, August 17, 2010

my weight

I forgot to include that my weight as of the appointment with the Nurse Practitioner on August 12th, was 320lbs so I have to lose 5% of that (hence the 16lbs I mentioned)to get the surgery so that the fat will come off my liver since they have to be able to get under your liver and lift it up during the surgery. so I will be doing my very best to lose that 16lbs over the next 6 weeks :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is really great news. Not just the surgery, but the fact that you have made a commitment to do something.

I was once a skeptic of the surgery and thought it to be an easy way out, but since seeing many people (including my own mother)that have had it and how hard they had to continue to work I now realize it is just a tool as you mentioned in your post and I have seen a few who have had it and not done the work and gained back all plus additional weight.

I know that you will do great and that you have a great support group there.

Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that I am very proud of you!

